
Sonic body mutualism
Embodied sound art

Ran is an embodied sound artist who makes performances using devised frameworks to explore 
sound, body, and environment through mutuality.

Ran’s practice often employs novel listening and sounding apparatus that he constructs and designs, 
so as to create networks that can be manipulated, embodied and enacted.



A series of experiments resulting in severe vertigo with 6 months of rehabilitation. 

Using a trasnducer and stethoscope microphone feedacking voice with a mechanical excitation of vocal chords.

The vibrations unfortunately dislodged the small crystals in the left ear canal responisble for balance resulting in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), the symptoms of which persisted for half a year. 

The work has become a lost work never to be re-enacted  for fear of injury.


Bowl that was used to catch sick produced as result of acute vertigo rpisode
D.I.Y. attempt to create counter balance to alleviate symptoms of vertigo (unsuccessfu